Gift Card Giveaway Today

Gift Card Giveaway Today

Today's the day! Starting at 6PM ET, we're giving away Coins, Memberships and Bingo Cards. And of course, a total of five $100 Gift Cards for different retailers like Amazon, Old Navy, Sephora, etc. Want to win? Then just be online in your favorite game and your name could be called!

But wait, there's more. Starting today you'll get the last card free when buying all cards in select GamePoint Bingo rooms! Take advantage of this feature in Extra Card rooms. You can tell these rooms apart as they have a the little Bingo Card symbol in the room list.

We hope to see you in chat for the giveway, but to help you feel like a winner already: click here for a free card.

Play GamePoint Bingo

SherrianP1 -
great prize but i'm n ot sure if im blind or a bit brain dead or botth probably loll but i cannot fin a room that indicates a a gift card, loll can you lz point me in the right direction, thank u very much
mickyat -
im pretty sure its any room
AidaGP -
mickyat was correct, to be eligible for the gift card giveaway yesterday, it didn't matter what room or game you're in, as long as you were online.
AuroraBelle - 15 Noviembre, 2017 15:40
great giveaway, so many nice gifts. TY