New and improved SpinBingo

New and improved SpinBingo

GamePoint is always working to improve your gaming experience.

After several games have been updated last winter, it's now time for a new, faster and improved SpinBingo, with updated chat features and layout. The game now uses the same technology as the majority of our games such as Bingo, CardParty and RoyalDice. This means it now works on even more devices which can bring you more players. Which leads to more friends to play with and more fun!

Once of the key changes is that your announcements of friends is now moved to the top right instead of the bottom right. This means it will no longer be in the way of your chat.
Your SpinBingo experience will be smoother than ever before, due to the new technology used. Go try it out yourself!

We hope you enjoy these cool, new updates as much as we do. Have fun and please let us know what you think by leaving a comment.

Play SpinBingo now

kgrace1 -
thank you. hope so. have a great day
Wouter - 28 May, 2015 2:43 PM
Hi kgrace1,

Hope you have a great day as well! Please let us know what you think of the new SpinBingo
Sorceress -
I like the new layout & the faster loading, but I do not like the limited choices on rooms. I want the $5 room 2:30 time limit back. I enjoyed playing in that room.
Wouter - 29 May, 2015 11:43 AM
Thank you for your feedback Sorceress!
We are currently looking into several options regarding time for a round and the amount of coins. This is the first version of the new SpinBingo and we are planning on introducing more features in the near future.
shedlock -
it would be really good if you had insturstion on how to play the game because it seems really fun
shedlock -
it would be rally good if you had some instrtions on how to play the gane because it ;looks really fun to play
Aernout -
Hi Shedlock. Loud and clear - we are working on a tutorial. Give us a few weeks, but it will be there
nazzzii -
good.. but i am still waiting for u to do the same with teasers.. hopin u will soon
Aernout -
Teasers is I think the last game that needs to be converted to Flash, it will happen