Free Bingo Cards

Free Bingo Cards
Between the Freeroll rooms and claiming a free Coin gift every 3 hours, it's easy to play for free on GamePoint Bingo. Now we're offering an additional way by launching the free Bingo cards! This new feature will allow GamePoint to give way free Bingo cards to lucky players.




Every free Bingo card is valid for a specific room value, meaning you can enter a room of that value and play a round without spending your Coins! How exactly do Bingo Cards work? 

Check to see if you have a free Card by opening the Bingo roomlist, it'll be displayed alongside a room value. So it could be a Free Card for a 10 Coin manual room or the 25 Coin automatic room for example!

Enter a room where you have a free Card and click on 'Buy Card' with a free Bingo Card icon to claim and start playing for free!

Participate as normal during the round for your chance to win Coins by being the first to get a Line, Diagonal, Pattern and Bingo!

In celebration of the launch of these new free Bingo Cards, we're inviting everyone to play a few rounds on us!  We're giving FIVE of them to use in a 10 Coin Automatic/Manual room!  


You'll continue to see these Bingo Cards used as prizes and free gifts during future events, in addition to all the other goodies!

Play Bingo!

MandM4 -
Lovely ! But sadly the link didnt give me 5 free tickets :(
MandM4 -
OK. They show up now but I dont have any coins and when I go to purchase my free tickets it asks me to buy coins.
GingerL11 -
me either
mdeschamp -
Thankyou gp your the best BONSIE
kgrace1 -
did not get them. help plz. ty
Tasja2013 -
link to free card cost me 10 coins didnt get it, but idea of free cards is nice if its fair devided and not always the same who get it just like the superbingo's that always go to the same lucky people.
AidaGP -
Hi Tasja2013, according to our system, there was no claim via the link from you. I'll make the 'clicking this link' text more prominent. Click on that text and you'll see exactly what's shown in the images above. When you see that, then you know you have the free cards.
Tasja2013 -
I clicked the blue "this link" now 3 times but they still didnt show up.
I know i clicked the right link cause the rest couldnt and cant be clicked...

Think your system isnt reading it correct. Cause I know where to click and how to click and they didnt show up so far so I have given up trying.
Tasja2013 -
ok now it finally worked, it didnt show your new style to claim the 5 free cards until i opened another browser for some reason.

It is sorted now but it appears the old link didnt link it good, this one did finally work.
CC_ - 3 July, 2015 12:57 AM
If I'm reading this correctly, only a handful of players will get a few free bingo cards per day?
AidaGP -
Hi CC_, not quiiiiite. So today we're giving everyone a taste of the free Bingo cards because they're new and shiny and awesome. Generally during events, we usually give away things like Coins and memberships, right? Now we can also give away these Bingo cards in addition to those things. Players won't be receiving unless we're specifically handing them out. But it's GamePoint and I'm sure we'll be finding reasons soon enough Hope that answered your question!
CC_ - 4 July, 2015 2:49 PM
@AidaGP Ohhhhh, now I get it! lol Thank you for the clarification. They're going to be event prizes, not a daily treat.

I think free cards will be a good prize, especially for those who never have enough coins to play in the higher coin rooms. One of the few times I decided to try 50 manual (I had only 350 coins at the time after I bought cards), I ended up sharing the full card super bingo!
nazzzii -
lol the link took me to cp
AidaGP -
Hi nazzzii, our system isn't showing that you've clicked the link. I've adjusted the text so you see the 'CLICKING THIS LINK' clearer. Click THAT text and you should see what's in the images above.
kgrace1 -
Got them thanks.
kgrace1 -
ok, only giving me the 10.00 room ones. played them. so, thanks. But, how do i get the others. not showing when i go in the room ?
AidaGP -
Hey kgrace1,

So we gave five cards to use in 10 Coin manual rooms. When you have Bingo cards, then they'll show. Otherwise if you have none, then none are displayed.

Cards are something that GamePoint can give out in the future, like during events or as prizes. Cards that we give out are valid only for their specified rooms. So if we (for example), give out cards for a 100 Coin Automatic room, then it can only be used there and nowhere else (if and when they're used is up to you). Hope it's clear now.
LindaRose68 -
Thanks for the free cards, I played them and won 25 coins.
GingerL11 -
i cant find any :(
GingerL11 -
the link doesnt take me to a free card and looked at every room and see none
AidaGP -
Hi GingerL11, according to our system, you haven't claimed any cards via the link. I've just adjusted the text so it's clearer. Once you click there, you should get what's shown in the screenshots. You can double check by going to the roomlist as well.
BugBuger -
I didnt get anything oh ya that normal
AidaGP -
Hey BugBurger, according to our system, you did indeed claim the Bingo cards! You received 5 of them, valid for 10 Coin rooms. And our system shows you used them as well!
buckskin2times -
Looked at both manual and auto and no free cards icons.
I truly think if you made coins more affordable, you would have more buyers and more people staying with your site. Many people, including me, can't justify paying $24.99 or more for enough coins to last Less than a week. Of course, if you get lucky, they last much longer. But seems after I buy coins, I stop winning anything until most of the coins are gone. I have read many similar remarks in the chats. Please don't tell me you have a sale this weekend. Sales are few and far between. And i think coins are still overpriced.
Because of the expense, I am playing other game sites which, if I need to buy coins, cost $1.99 to $9.99 for enough coins to play for a long time.
I enjoy the game, but not the high cost of playing.
Mogg -
My friends have noticed this also and moved on. Seems odd when, as soon as you purchase coins your luck vanishes !! And then at the same time the same rich players in the room win over and over. I would love GP to actually confirm that the games are completely 100% random. I wont be purchasing coins as I dont trust the system after the things I have heard.
Helene127 -
thkzgp for all the things you do for us players xox
lightingStorm -
can u get the free cards every day if u click on the link
AbbyRozelle -
i clicked the link as well and havent recieved my free bingo cards.